
19. 11. 2013.

The English Gravedigger

This is the story of an Englishman who loves black and white stripes. He is a real English football fan, the one from the '80s. The fan of Notts County and Partizan, mentioned in James Moor's book "Grobar". He is Tony Perkins, and here is his story about Partizan and 145th Serbian Eternal Derby:

Hi. My name is Tony and I’m a Notts County and Partizan fan. My interest in the "crno-beli" goes back to a game in 1990, in Rijeka. Not many of you will know this, but Notts and Partizan have played each other! You will struggle to find it in the record books, it was an under 18 game in the Kvarnerska Rivijera tournament. We played each other in the semi-final, Notts beating Partizan on penalties!

My next Partizan game was not as far, Middlesbrough in the UEFA Cup. I travelled up on the morning of the game and met up with my Serbian pen friend. We visited all the grounds in the North-East before going back to watch Partizan in the evening. I also met up with some lads who were selling the pup fanzine.

After this it took me until 2007. to pluck up courage to venture to Serbia. This visit was planned to coincide with a visit to the Belgrade beer festival, beer being another of my hobbies! This trip involved a visit to Cukaricki, a small suburban team. What I really loved was the atmosphere inside the ground, nothing like here in England. From this game on I was hooked!

My list of games includes Rhyll and Arsenal away in the Champions League, Cukaricki twice, OFK, Sloboda. At Humska, Lyon, Inter and the derby amongst others.
This season, I have already been other twice, within a month. I decided on a visit to Vojvodina, my god that was wet! The other was a visit to the Bowel that is the Marakana for the away derby.

For this trip, I travelled with two more Notts fans, Matt and Gary. We arrived on the Friday by Wizz Air flight, there were plenty of lads going to the derby but none seemed to be supporting Partizan. After dropping the bags off in the hotel it was straight to Humska for a tour of the stadium with Altia, I had heard he was the son of a Partizan hero, so we questioned him about his father’s goal scoring feats. Half-way around we we’re joined by a group of CSKA fans. We left them too it and went to buy match tickets. Some very bad Serbian language later, we had the golden tickets in our sweaty palms, easy! Something to eat and then a meeting with loads of mates. Many beers later and an excellent Scooby-snack (djeverek sa slaninom) we hit the hay.

Match day and we have people too meet. A few drinks with different people and off to Slavia Square to drop some gifts off before heading for another bar near St. Sava. From here we watched "The forbidden" being escorted towards the ground, impressive!

Being English we arrive at the ground many minutes before kick-off. We had tickets for the South, but somehow we end up in the East, next to the forbidden sector. Slightly worried, we look around but we are still in with Partizan fans. The game itself was a blur, nothing too exciting on the pitch, but off it, amazing scenes. In the second half the flares go up, loads of them. As the smoke clears, it is to see a bonfire party in the South. The funniest scenes as Belgrade’s finest firefighters attempt to douse the flames. The final whistle goes and we dive out the exit straight to the bar, where we waited for our mates to arrive once they were let out of the ground.

Sunday involved meeting a couple of good friends who couldn’t persuade us to visit the basketball at the Pionir. Instead we head to the shopping centre stadium, a strange place!

We fly back early on the Monday morning, and as we travel back to Nottingham we are already talking about our next visit.

Ovo je priča o Englezu koji obožava crno-bele boje. Pravom engleskom navijaču, jednom od onih iz osamdesetih. Navijaču Nots Kauntija i Partizana, spomenutom u knjizi "Grobar" Džejmsa Mura. On je Toni Perkins, a ovo je njegova priča o Partizanu i 145. Večitom derbiju:

Zdravo, ja sam Toni i navijač sam Nots kauntija i Partizana. Crno-beli su me zainteresovali 1990. godine u Rijeci. Mali broj ljudi to zna, ali Nots i Partizan su se susreli na terenu. Taj podatak se čak ne može pronaći ni u istorijama ova dva kluba. Bila je to utakmica omladinskih timova na turniru Kvarnerske rivijere. Partizan i Nots su igrali u polufinalu, a engleski klub je pobedio posle izvođenja jedanaesteraca.

Sledeća Partizanova utakmica koju sam posetio nije bila daleko od mene, protiv Midlzbroa u Kupu UEFA. Otputovao sam i sreo se sa prijateljem iz Srbije. Posetili smo sve stadione severoistoka Engleske pre utakmice Partizana uveče. Tada sam, takođe, upoznao i momke koji su prodavali fanzine.

Posle ovoga, čekao sam do 2007. da se usudim i odem u Srbiju. Ovo putovanje je isplanirano tako da se podudara sa beogradskim "Bir festom", jer je pivo jedan od mojih hobija. Partizan je tada gostovao Čukaričkom, malom klubu iz predgrađa, a ono što mi se posebno svidelo je atmosfera kakve nema nigde u Engleskoj.

Na spisku mojih utakmica na gostujućem terenu su Ril i Arsenal u Ligi Šampiona, dva sa Čukaričkim, OFK i Sloboda. U Humskoj sam gledao Lion, Inter, ali i ono najbolje, derbi.
Ove sezone sam bio na dve utakmice, u istom mesecu. Prva je bila protiv Vojvodine, gde je kiša padala kao luda, a svi su bili gola voda. Sledeća je bila protiv Crvene Zvezde, na njenom stadionu.

Na ovu utakmicu sam išao sa još dva navijača Nots Kauntija, Metom i Gerijem. Doleteli smo u petak, kompanijom Viz Er, a zanimljivo je to da je većina putnika išla na derbi, ali smo samo mi išli da navijamo. Odmah smo ostavili prtljag i krenuli prema Humskoj gde nas je u obilazak vodio sin jedne Partizanove legende, pa mi nismo mogli da prestanemo da ga ispitujemo o golovima njegovog oca. Na pola puta su nam se pridružili i navijači moskovskog CSKA, a zatim smo otišli da kupimo karte. Nedugo zatim, uprkos lošem srpskom jeziku, došli smo do zlata vrednih karata. Pojeli smo nešto, a onda se našli sa Grobarima koji su bili u blizini. Posle mnogo tura piva i đevreka sa slaninom, morali smo da spavamo.

Došao je i taj dan. Upoznali smo mnogo ljudi i popili pokoje pivo. Dok smo bili u baru pored Hrama Svetog Save, gledali smo kako do terena prate "Zabranjene". Nezaboravna scena!

Kao i svi Englezi, na stadion smo poranili. Veoma. Imali smo karte za Jug, ali smo nekako završili na Istoku, uz sektor gde su bili smešteni "Zabranjeni". Bili smo zabrinuti, sve dok nismo shvatili da smo i dalje u crno-belom društvu. Na terenu se nije desilo ništa vredno pomena, ali van terena dosta toga. U drugom poluvremenu su se upalile baklje, i kako se dim razilazio, mogla se videti ogromna logorska vatra oko koje su ljudi igrali. Najsmešniji od svega su bili pokušaji vatrogasaca da ugase vatru. Sa poslednjim zviždukom smo pohrlili prema izlazu i otišli pravo u bar gde smo čekali drugove sa tribine.

U nedelju smo se sastali sa nekoliko dobrih prijatelja koji nisu uspeli da nas ubede da odemo na košarku u Pionir. Umesto toga smo otišli na jedan od najčudnijih stadiona, koji se nalazi na krovu jednog tržnog centra.

Sledećeg jutra bili smo u Notingemu, ali smo već pričali o sledećoj utakmici.
                                                          NAPRED PARTIZAN!

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